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Pikolín Plant

Zaragoza, Spain

The company Pikolín is committed to the most contemporary and functional architecture in its new facilities. Pavex Piedra Coto of the Levantina Group shines on the exterior floor and as a wall cladding.

Its extreme resistance, the natural beauty of its colour and its textured finish make Piedra Coto of the Levantina Group the best choice for outdoor floors. The project for the new logistics facilities of the company Pikolín, which were built in 2016 on the Logistics Platform of Zaragoza (PLAZA), features this fine material to accentuate the clarity and elegance of the building's exterior. A design by architect Francisco Lacruz, implemented by the construction company ECISA, which stands out for the purity of its lines and its functionality.


Zaragoza, Spain

Project year





Outdoor Walls, Outdoor Floors

The whiteness of the building's straight volumes, which overlap to create large areas of brightness, is characterised by the different textures and linear grids created by the cladding.

The Piedra Coto dazzles on the exterior floor of the main entrance 

It was also chosen to adorn the entrance wall, which features the large red letters that make up the company's name/logo, its saw-cut finish breaks the white uniformity and adds an element of interest. The white sheet of Piedra Originall is delicately interrupted by an attractive pond with a linear design: as a single contrasting element, the weathered steel sculpture in the pond creates an attractive point of inflection in the midst of the white uniformity.

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