Advantages of being part of the community



Meeting point for designers


At the Levantina Group, we created Design Movement: a unique space for designers and professionals. Our community offers forums, networking and exclusive internal and third-party events. Take part in stone demos, breakfasts, events and fairs, while you connect with a network of professionals committed to innovation and the latest trends in design and architecture.



World leader in the stone sector


As the undisputed global leader in the stone sector, the Levantina Group has consolidated its presence in more than 100 countries, garnering visibility and relevance on a global level. Join our network as a partner and discover unique opportunities for designers.
We offer personalised attention and appointments adapted to specific needs, guaranteeing the trust that characterises us.



Multinational present in over 100 countries


With a significant presence nationally in regions like Alicante and Galicia, and a global expansion that spans over 100 countries, the Levantina Group stands out especially in the main markets of Brazil, the United States and the United Kingdom, consolidating our position as a global leader in the stone sector.



Exclusive, updated tools


We offer exclusive and updated tools that optimise the experience. Boost your projects with our extensive catalogue of materials to inspire you, stay up to date with the latest news through our newsletter, or take advantage of access to BIM resources.

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of the Levantina Group